Modal Verbs Error Correction Answer Key


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1. You mustn't to be extravagant.
2. I cant play tennis very well. > cant
3. My grandad can use the internet very easily. It’s difficult for him. > can’t
4. He can does very difficult sums in his head. > do
5. She can play three instruments when she was ten. > could
6. I think everyone should be 24 years old for getting married.
7. I could learning grow plants. > learn
8. You musn’t eat something in class. > mustn’t
9. If you want to have a better life; you haven’t to be rich. > don’t have to
10.You dont have to get rich right now. > dont have to
11.You shouldnt be so selfish. > shouldnt
12. We have exams next week. We mustn’t start studying now. > don’t have to, must, should